Week 5
Autumn Term 1 - Week 5:
This week, the children have begun to draft their newspaper reports based on the story of The 1000 Year Old Boy. They have been thinking how they can incorporate both direct and reported speech so that quotes could be included within the journalistic report. These will be edited and published next week as part of their English lessons.
On Thursday, all the children came into school wearing green in recognition of World Mental Health Day. Green is the colour that represents World Mental Health Day globally. The children watched the video below which discusses the importance of accepting how everyone's mood changes and it is 'Ok not to be OK'. As part of their in-class assembly, the children discussed the importance of talking to both adults and each other in order to share and 'off-load' problems so that they could keep a positive mental health. They discussed ways in which they could relax when they felt sad, including how exercise increases endorphins within the brain to help them to relax and reduce stress. The children also discussed how they could talk to adults around the school and to use the 'ask-it baskets' to gain help if they need it.
Lucy's Blue Day - A Children's Mental Health Animated Short
⭐️Lucy's Blue Day - Animated Short⭐️ We are incredibly proud to bring you the first ever Lucy's Blue Day animation. This video, this story and this amazing little girl has been helping our children express their emotions in a way they never knew they could. Please watch this video with your child and talk about how it is 'OK not to feel OK' at times and how powerful the act of talking is to help their emotions.