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Week 1

Autumn Term 1 - Week 1:

The children have all settled in well to their new classroom in Year 6.  They all enjoyed taking part in celebrating Roald Dahl Day on Friday, with many of the children dressing up in costume to celebrate the author's birthday.  Costumes included: Oompa-loompas, Miss Honeys, Matildas and even George with his bucket of medicine (and that was Mr Rodgers)!

The children have begun to apply their knowledge from Year 5 with creating sketch maps of the local area.  They enjoyed using the local Ordnance Survey maps to locate different places using six-figure grid references and describing the direction to other locations on the map using a compass rose.  In PE, the children have begun their topics on netball and fitness, beginning to understand how their heartrate increases when exercise is carried out.