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At Willington Primary, we want our children to write legibly, fluently and at an appropriate pace in order to confidently express themselves in written form.

Initially in the EYFS, we focus on developing appropriate physical skills, alongside developing pencil grip and learning about the individual letter forms (graphemes). We teach letter formation in association with our phonic scheme (Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds), using Sassoon Primary font from EYFS through Key Stage 1 and up to Year 2. When appropriate in Year 2, we move towards joining letters, introducing a pre-cursive style and joining some letters from the base writing line.

During Key Stage 2, the children are taught to join their letters in a continuous cursive script. Handwriting is taught in discrete sessions in addition to the taught English lessons, however we expect skills to be applied in all areas of written presentation. In Years 5 and 6, children apply their handwriting skills in all written work and aim to develop a personal, fluent style. As soon as children are able to demonstrate neat and fluent handwriting in all written work, they will be awarded a Pen License and are able to write in pen.

Progression Document and Parental Information