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Special Educational Needs:

The school’s Special Educational Needs policy provides a whole school system to ensure that all children with a special educational need are identified and that an appropriate learning program is provided. If we have any concerns about your child, we will consult with you immediately to help us decide on any future actions. Similarly, if you are concerned about your child’s progress, please contact their class teacher.

Miss Pritchard, the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is also available to discuss your concerns. Occasionally, it may be necessary for the school to request external advice, but your consent will be sought before your child is discussed with any support service. We regard the partnership between parents and school as vitally important in identifying and providing for the special educational needs of our children and parents will always be involved in all stages of this process.

We have a Disability Equality Scheme and an Accessibility Plan which are available in school upon request and are on our website.

The Derbyshire Local Offer brings together in one place information about health, education and social care for children and young people from birth to 25 years old who have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). Through the link below, you can access information about resources and services that are available.

Pastoral Care:

The pastoral care for children is with the class teacher initially, but may include the Headteacher and whole school staff where there is a particular need.