Our School Values
Vision Statement
At Willingtron Primary School, our motto 'Where Pupils Succeed', reflects our belief that success can be acheived in all areas of school life and we strive to achieve this every day at WPS. Our shared vision is to provide an environment where children are inspired to learn through high quality learning experiences and a broad, balance, inclusive curriculum. Equality is at the heart of our vision and we strongly believe that all children have an equal entitlement to the provision we offer. Through effective collaboration, instil the importance of positive, high quality relationships and ensure that nurture, wellbeing and care is at the core of what we deliver. Our safeguarding policy and processes are robust and all pupils are given the highest degree of care. The school recognises the importance of all stakeholders and the part we play in our community. Our aim is to establish strong and successful relationships with parents, community members and institutions and strive to achieve excellence in all that we do.
Willington Values - 'REACH for success at WPS'
We celebrate when children demonstrate the Willington values through the High-Five Champion weekly award. At Willington, all staff have high aspirations for the pupils and take every opportunity to provide a thoughtful, well balanced social, moral, cultural, inclusive and diverse curriculum where the school and British values are integral. We prioritise the well being and support for our most vulnerable pupils, through investing in high quality CPD and embedding effective intervention through ELSA Support, Zones of Regulation, Positive Play, Lego Therapy and Nurture.
The Governors stated aims for the school are:
- To provide a safe, positive learning environment where all pupils have the opportunity and encouragement to develop to their own full potential, socially, culturally and academically.
- To provide co-operation and mutual respect between all people involved with the school.
- To encourage the involvement of parents in a wide range of aspects in the life and work of the school.
- To foster links between the school and the local community.